In 1997 Chuck Bertone is named Executive Director of Society of Photo-Technologists.

The Society of Photo-Technologists was founded in 1958.  In was started as a association which gave small camera repair business a voice in the industry.  As time passed SPT evolved and represented both small and large camera repair businesses.  SPT grew into the largest camera repair organization in the world.

As film began to wane and digital emerge; the camera business started changing, the technology was changing and camera manufacturers started a process of reorganizing their business models.  These and other challenges created major shifts for the camera repair industry.  The Society of Photo-Technologists needed to adapt and help camera repair businesses to adapt as well.

To manage the reorganization Chuck Bertone of C&C Associates was asked to step up from Chapter President to Executive Director.  What followed is an ongoing process as SPT evolves into the organization it is today.   

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